Now lest you think I'm in some sort of fanboy uproar because a character's death was overturned, I assure you I'm not. Yes, I think Barry's death was amazing and probably the coolest thing he did in nearly 30 years of being the Flash, but this is comics, and if a good story can be told by resurrecting anybody, I think Ed Brubaker has proven it's at least worth a shot.
And I've still got two separate editions of Crisis On Infinite Earth on my bookshelf plus the novelization, so I guess he can still be dead to me.
No, my issue is not so much with the return of Barry Allen, it's about what this means for my favorite DC character, THE Flash for those aforementioned past two decades plus (allowing for the occasional pit stop), one Wally West.
Any regular reader of this blog knows that Nova is my favorite Marvel character (and probably favorite comics character period when push comes to shove). I've also mentioned my childhood fondness for the core concepts of the

Why Wally and not Barry (Bart Allen wasn't the Flash when I was making these crucial life decisions and my sole exposure to Jay Garrick was seeing Extant kick his ass during Zero Hour)? Well, the fact that I was a teenager and Wally was closer to my age certainly helped. To me, Barry was the stodgy old conservative dude and Wally was the wisecracking kid.
(Wally is, of course, one of comics' most noted Republicans, but teenage Ben and his gnarly acid-washed jean jacket was not aware of this)
But over time, it became more than just a closer proximity in age that made me appreciate Wally. Here are few of the reasons that stand out and some of the stories that highighted them.
The Man
Wally West's most inherent likable quality to me, the thing most at the heart of my fandom for him, is basically the same thing that makes Rich "Nova" Rider my favorite Marvel character: he's just a dude.

But Wally West is just a dude.
He's not super smart, but, again same as Nova, he's not an idiot. He's an average fella. He's not a genius or a dummy. He can think on his feet, but he needs Jay to do his science stuff. In other words: I feel like he could be me.
As a corollary, I've also always dug that Wally grew up basically wanting to be a super hero. I'm not sure if that was so much there pre-Crisis (I think it was to some degree), but Mark Waid really hammered it home in one of my all-time favorite stories, Born to Run. As a kid, Wally thought super heroes were cool as all get out and wanted to be one...much like most comic fans. He didn't swear vengeance because his parents were killed, he wasn't caught in a gamma explosion, he was just a guy with a good heart who wanted to make the world a better place (by dressing up in a rad costume and running super fast).

The Legacy
What makes Wally West wholly unique (for the most part...which I guess renders the "wholly unique" thing moot...never mind) among comic book characters is that he is the one and only sidekick/protege who "grew up" and filled the role of his mentor. Yeah, Dick Grayson was Batman for five minutes, and yes, Bucky is currently Captain America, but the former didn't last and the latter is only a year old at the moment. Wally has been THE Flash since 1986. That is a situation there was no precedent for at the time (and there really still isn't). And it made for some great stories.
Wally trying to fill Barry's boots and being told by everybody from his friends to his foes that he can't made for great stories. Wally doubting himself made for great stories. Wally realizing wait, he could do it made for great stories. Wally coming into his own and proving to be arguably the greatest Flash of them all made for great stories.
It was a two decade super story that in many ways can't be rivaled. You won't find a hero's journey that epic anywhere else in comics.
And even as recently as a couple years ago when Wally was firmly entrenched as his own Flash, there was still material to be mined from the fact that he had picked up the baton and was finishing the race for somebody else. Waid's The Return of Barry Allen was the

Because he was a sidekick and because he did grow out of it and fill the role he was meant to fill, there are stories you can tell with Wally West that you can't tell with any other character.
The Powers
Yeah, Barry ran like a bajillion laps around the Anti-Monitor's antimatter cannon (well done, worthy of at least a golf clap), but he totally died in the process, withering away to nothing. Wally would have done that shit and then stopped for cheeseburgers.
As time marched on and theoretical science followed, writers like Waid, Grant Morrison and others were forced to adapt Wally's powers so he always remained on the cutting edge. Whereas we saw Barry run around a lot, make tornados and do other Silver Age-y stuff, Wally learned how to vibrate his molecules and shift through solid surfaces, lend or borrow speed from other objects and race all the way around the planet to build up momentum for his punches (thank you, "Justice League Unlimited").
And he could run to heaven.

Plus, that moment when he's in the midst of fighting Savitar and yells out, "You want to see God? I'll drive!" during Dead Heat and then races into the Speed Force, bad guy in tow? Legendary.
I'd be remiss if I didn't also mention William Messner-Loebs' inestimable contribution of Wally's crazy metabolism and his need to scarf down seven course meals daily to keep his energy up. Jay Garrick would never do that.
The Rogues
Ok, admittedly, Barry's bad guys are leagues better than Wally's. Waid tried his best, but with all due respect to him (and to Rickey, who loves these guys), Cobalt Blue and Savitar were at the least awful names and you can only use Abra Kadabra so many times before he becomes obvious.

The more contentious Rogues-Wally dynamic took goofy Silver Age villains and helped make them multifaceted and fascinating modern portraits of evil tinged with honor.
And Zoom is just so much cooler than Professor Zoom.
No offense to the Prof, but good buddy with a sordid past turned sociopath obsessed with teaching heroics through tragedy trumps whackjob from the future. And Scott Kolins just drew the shit out of him.

The first Wally West as the Flash story I ever really read was Waid's Terminal Velocity. It was a helluva way to start. I am now gonna spoil the crap out of it, so run out and buy it right the heck now and read it first because it owns.
The most awesome moment in a story full of awesome moments comes in the final chapter.
The entire arc (and even before), Wally has known he's inching closer and closer to disappearing into the Speed Force. Throughout Waid's run to that point, he had been playing up the idea that the more powerful a speedster gets, the closer they get to the Force, and eventually it draws them in because it is essentially nirvana. Outside of Wally's buddy Max Mercury, no other speedster had ever touched the Force and escaped (and him just barely). Wally was getting more and more powerful and had already brushed up against the Force once during Zero Hour, so it was just a matter of time.
At the crucial point of this story, the terrorist Kobra has taken over Keystone City, and Wally, in trying to stop him, expends so much energy that he vanishes, presumably forever. With Keystone sealed off from the rest of the world, a group of Wally's allies, including his non-powered girlfriend Linda Park, go after Kobra in his memory. With more or less her bare hands, Linda is the last one standing and continues to defy the villain. As he has her by the throat, a miraculous bolt of

As Max and the rest of the speedsters mourn Wally's passing (again), Linda wanders off over a hill where she is reunited with Wally and they embrace in another of my favorite splash pages ever.
Even though countless other more powerful and more disciplined speedsters had become trapped in the Speed Force over the millenia, Wally West escaped because he had the anchor none of them had: a love so powerful it could defy the laws of nature itself.
Through the ensuing years, Wally and Linda would grow even closer, get married, and time and again their love would reunite them despite Wally getting lost in time, Linda getting erased from existence, and so on and so forth.
I'll go ahead and admit that I once wrote out Wally's speech to Linda from Flash #100 and gave it to a girl I liked. And I'm pretty sure it worked.
Wally West and Linda Park have my favorite relationship in comics ever, bar none. No secrets, no drama, just two people who love one another very much and support each other in all things.
So I'm begging you, DC Comics: don't let your best Flash run off and become deputy commander of the Flash Corps or whatever. Don't waste this amazing character.
His name is Wally West and he's the Flash, the fastest man alive--don't forget it.
Best. Post. Ever.
Dead on.
You summed it up better than I ever could. I'm going to miss Wally, and I wish that I didn't have to.
"It was a two decade super story that in many ways can't be rivaled. You won't find a hero's journey that epic anywhere else in comics."
That, sir, deserves more than a golf clap. It deserves thuderous applause. THIS is why Barry Allen should NOT return! Most super-heroes prove their worth as a hero within their first story. But Wally EARNED his worth many times over, and through a number of years.
I remember Waid once saying "Wally fulfilled the drea (of the sidekick)" by actually graduating to the role of his mentor.
And that, to me, is more "iconic" than 20 Barry Allens.
Small note: I think it was Mike Baron that introduced Wally's super-speed metabolism...
Wonderful post sir, and great to hear the speech worked. And yes, it was Mike Baron who brought in the burgers, but Bill Loebs deserves huge praise anyway, for his wonderful characterisation of Wally, the cast (I loved the convivial relationship with the villains)and one of the most original stories ever, Freefall in issue 54.
Oops, sorry, Mike Baron!
I was going to mention Messner-Loebs too, but someone beat me to it. Those stories were the epitome of "Wally as regular guy" and were beautifully written. Re-read Flash #1-61 (the end of his run) and it reads like one long coherent story of Wally earning his place as the Flash. Or read through to #79 (LaRocque's run) which is amazing, too. Long Live Wally!
Wally will always be my flash, no doubt about it. Awesome post.
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