-In New Avengers he was a red herring for the new Sorcerer Supreme and battled the Hood and Dormammu with the likes of Spider-Man and Captain America.
-In Marvel Zombies 4 he was done up in his full cape and pentagram regalia as a member of the Midnight Sons helping to fend off the zombie menace.
-In Marvel Divas he attempted to tempt his ex-wife, Hellcat, into an illicit reunion by offering to cure Firestar of her cancer.
-In Ghost Riders: Heaven's on Fire he's currently bald, pierced and aiding Johnny Blaze and Danny Ketch against Zadkiel and the Anti-Christ.
-And finally, he just showed up in Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural to apparently stab Jericho Drumm in the back and deliver him to his daddy down below.

Guys, that is nuts! Daimon Hellstrom is blowing up!
Honestly, I pretty much dig Son of Satan, so I'm not writing all this as a mocking or derogatory statement. He's one of those characters who I have never really read any of his solo adventures, but am familiar enough with his deal and taken enough with his various visuals that I've always had an interest in getting to know more about him, it's just never happened (there are many characters I feel this way about, and I actually hope to craft a longer entry about them in the near future). Gary Friedrich was onto something pretty wacky when he thought it would be a neat idea for the son of the devil to become a super hero mainly because it would piss off his old man; that's pretty rad and unique motivation on one hand, and on the other, totally relatable. And you gotta love that most of his costumes (when he's not just dressing like a goth) have some sort of corny devil horn motif and tridents everywhere.

It also continues the kinda cool to me trend of the last five or six years where the lost Marvel creations of the 70's who were always forgotten between the stalwarts of the Silver Age and the new hotness from the 80's and 90's have found new shelf life through a generation of writers who grew up reading them. There was really this entire wave of really neat characters with great looks who debuted in books like Marvel Premiere or Marvel Spotlight and then either went onto limited success or settled into obscurity who are now tearing up the charts. Son of Satan may well be the latest example (and Deathlok could soon join him), but this is a club that also includes Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Ms. Marvel, the original Spider-Woman, Moon Knight, Nova, Adam Warlock and more.

But wither Woodgod?
Great piece Ben. Damon lost me in the last Marvel Divas though, making an agreement, immediately reneging on it and no one even commenting?
I suppose as a hell type he could appear all over the place with different looks and different moods. That Brother Voodoo panel is, appropriately, rather hot.
nice to see Damion back causing mischief in the mu. and of course he is not going to keep agreements for he is the son of the devil. which Disney will no doubt put an end too as owners of marvel . in fact son of satan is the reason Damion is not so well known for no one wants to be caught reading about a charcter who is the off spring of the devil
Hey, Ben,
If you're interested, I wrote an extensive article on Son of Satan, including his roots in Ghost Rider, in Back Issue! # 22:
I got to interview the creators, and it's interesting to read what they said about the character, particularly original artist Herb Trimpe.
Son of Satan and Brother Voodoo were far out books, especially with Gene Colan drawing issues of each. Marvel Spotlight # 18 in particular was amazingly atmospheric.
Michael Aushenker
This characters is totally diabolic, reason for which I couldn't read any of his comic books during my childhood.
Thanks for sharing such a interesting information with us.
Quite effective info, thanks so much for the post.
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