Today, they live 20 minutes apart in New Jersey with their respective lovely wives, sharing passions for miniature golf, diner cuisine and the music of Motley Crue. They also both watch HBO’s Game of Thrones and have decided to write a column about it. While Jordan ran out and read all the books on which the show is based after season one, Ben prefers books with pictures and floppy covers.
Bear witness to their wit, wisdom and frequent allusions to Melrose Place as they try to do the tradition of Sean T. Collins and Megan Morse proud!
Ben: To give you a quick peek behind the curtains of how this column works, Jordan and I will alternate weeks as the guy who “starts” and sends his initial thoughts on the latest episode, then the other one responds, then I edit everything together. I drew this finale, but upon finishing it, I actually texted Jordan and said it might be better if he did it because I was so let down and figured the whole deal would just become a “this season sucked” rant on my part.
Ultimately, I sat on it a day, my initial annoyance died down, and I notified my buddy I could lead off after all, as there were some things I liked.
However, I’m still very disappointed in this finale, and more over in this season, so before we really get underway, allow me a mini-rant…

This season, I stopped caring. By the finale, there were probably three or four characters I would have been really gutted if they died (off the top of my head, Tyrion, Bronn, Arya and Jaime; maybe Dany); for the most part, I would have just gone “Thank goodness, one less person taking up screen time” even for characters I really like or liked. I enjoy Theon immensely, but if he got his head lopped off here, I wouldn’t have shed many tears because his story feels like its run its course and he only gets five minutes on camera every other week anyway. I out Jaime on my “no kill” list up there, but truth be told, he was so absent this season anyway, I probably wouldn’t much notice he was gone.
I feel like the show is collapsing under its own weight. I’ll try to keep this brief (already failed that one) because I’ve said a lot of this in weeks past, but we’re just not given enough time with any of these characters or plots to care about them. I feel like people who have read the books have a distinct edge now, because they have some attachment from having enjoyed this stuff once already at their own pace, but the rest of us are hung out to dry. My erstwhile commentary partner put it well a few weeks ago when pointing out how slight the death of Renly Baratheon came off due to how little he has been used. When Ned Stark died last season obviously it was huge, but I was similarly affected by the demises of King Robert or Khal Drogo since we’d gotten a good measure of who they were and come to care about them independently as well as through those around them. I haven’t gotten the chance to know Stannis or the Tyrells or Talisa or Dagmer or Hot Pie or any of the dozens of other players whose names I’m currently copying from Wikipedia well enough to care about them. And when plots like Dany’s interminable stay in Qarth or Jon Snow’s never-ending trek beyond The Wall advance at a snail’s pace due to how little time can be spent on them while still cramming in everything else, I lose all interest.
Game of Thrones still has a great and talented cast, impressive technical direction, and in its better moments strong writing, but the more complex the books become, the more I feel like they’re struggling to get it all on screen without losing anything. I don’t hate the show and I’m definitely going to keep watching next year, but I’m bored by it and the long wait for season three isn’t something I’m particularly sweating versus how I counted the days following that stellar first run.

The "good” was as you described: I was able to identify and grow with these characters more than viewers of the television show because I spent more time with them. Characters that were seemingly pooped out onscreen for a scene or two, like Renly, Stannis, and Brienne were MAJOR players in the books. Had you read the books, by this point in the story you either loved or hated each of the characters outlined above...but at least you KNEW enough to feel SOMETHING.
I enjoy using CAPS LOCK.
The "bad," as the poor, unfortunate readers of my words have already heard a million times, was the frequent deviation from the original story. While some of this could be explained away in the name of having to fit all of the content in, much of it didn't serve ANY purpose other than to help the HBO writers sleep at night with the knowledge they wrote something original. For those of you who disagree, I can't wait to talk to your future selves and say, "Remember sweet, Bill Cosby-esque Tywin? The show's obsession with that unnamed red-haired whore woman? Arya playing a game of cat and mouse with Tywin regarding who she really is?...WHERE DID ANY OF THESE THINGS LEAD AND WHY WERE THEY INCLUDED?" After the resultant shrug, I will snap my fingers, birth a shadow demon and it will strike all of you down.
Ben: Separating the episode out from the season, it was a tremendous let-down coming out of the awesomeness that was Blackwater last week, as I think we kind of expected it to be, but it was also just disappointing in that it was the season finale. This was supposed to be the one that put us on the edge of our seats until next spring and I feel like it failed miserably at that. Not only were the cliffhangers, few, far between and uninteresting, but so many plots and characters were left in even flatter places than usual.

Jordan: I too agree this episode was a letdown, and not just because it followed The Blackwater. The vignettes were just way too short and way too all over the place this time. If a viewer had missed the rest of the season and then plopped down to watch this, he/she would see it jumping from location to location and character to character and think it was the worst episode of SNL ever (though Haratio Sanz would have portrayed Cersei better).
Taking into account your fantastic point about the structure of the first season vs. this one, I can't help but wonder if the show would have been better served trying to do HALF of the second book instead of the whole darn thing AND parts of the third. Yes, I have the clarity of hindsight when saying this, but at the same time it's safe to say that most readers realized the monumental task ahead for the writers and approached this season with an "I have no idea how they are going to do this" mindset. I wonder if the success of the first season, and its ability to perfectly encapsulate so much of the book, set the stakes unreasonably high for the next season as far as how much they could feasibly accomplish.
I must add that I LIKED this season, and as far as translating book to screen it was a far cry from a "Michael Bay ruining my childhood" scenario, but I also think it could have been done better with stronger pre-production.
FUN FACT: Kids, "Pre-Production" is the stage before writing begins on a show where everyone sits in a room and figures out how the season is going to run. In more familiar terms, it's the time Ben Affleck should be spending on figuring out how he should portray a character in a movie as opposed to playing video games.
I have no idea why I wrote that Fun Fact part like the narrator from How I Met Your Mother.

That said, I still rather enjoy the King’s Landing scenes through the strength of the performances as most of the best characters/actors are based there and also got the most time to shine this season, even if it was in large part all last week. Though I stand by not really knowing the Tyrells and thus not caring about them as much as I feel I could, I will say I’m more intrigued by them than a lot of other new characters. I like that Margaery’s ambition is pretty naked, in that she’s not a Varys or a Littlefinger as far as manipulating her way into power, she just comes right out and says what she wants (to be Queen) and lets those in charge know she’ll do whatever they want to get that. I can’t get a bead on whether she’s a good person, a bad person, or something in between, so again, she intrigues me. I’d also like to know what’s driving her brother now that his lover is gone.
Jordan: I too like that Margaery is pretty naked. You served that one right up to me.
In all seriousness though, it adds a lot to boring scenes for her to wear that crazy boob dress she has. A fine point by you.
As mentioned in an old episode of this blog that I am too lazy to find or link [EDITOR’S NOTE: Ditto], Margery is a complete enigma in the books as far as what her ambitions are. It's obviously been spelled out for us in over-the-top terms on the show, but in the book there is an uneasiness around her character as no one (including the readers) seems to know if she is sincere in her words or not. As for her brother Loras, I'd hate to shove his motivations into such a simple place, but to my knowledge I have to default to, "He's gay. He's pissed. He wants revenge."
I will take this time to point out that the Tyrells don't interest me in the least. Boob dress excluded.

Jordan: Sophie Turner only has had to do one thing on his show and that's "act as if she is acting," otherwise known as the "January Jones Wheelhouse." I too am trying to figure out exactly how good she is. Rather than put too much effort behind this, let's just agree with this equation and move on:
GAME OF THRONES ACTING EQUATION: Peter Dinklage > Rest of Cast > A piece of tinfoil > The Hound/Mormont
I will now take this time to point out that the Gmail app for iPhone is the devil. It erased my entire response to this entry not once but (as of this morning) TWICE. Several weeks of my life have gone into simply contributing to this one blog entry, and while I looked like the man in the photo at the top at the start of this email, I now look like Balon Greyjoy. If you look closely at my dialogue, you can actually see the moment where my spirit was irrevocably broken.

Jordan: Totally agree with you on there being an insufficient cliffhanger for Tyrion. Full disclosure: Because I knew it was the season finale, and figured "they can't go out this way with Tyrion in some weepy love scene," the moment Tyrion gently held Shae's head in his hands I expected him to twist her neck, killing her. Perhaps done in some sort of "killing her to save her from the pain of loving him" way. This didn't happen in the books or anything, but these HBO writers are untrustworthy sons of bitches so you never know.
It's now, as I write this, that I realize that reading the end of "Of Mice and Men" made me think that's the way every season of a show will end.
Ben: I don’t know what Varys is up to, but I think I’m supposed to be ok with that, and I enjoy watching him work, so I am. His bit with the whore was a highlight.
Jordan: He's a sneaky one!
...I got nothing.
Ben: How did Stannis get away from King’s Landing relatively unscathed? Wasn’t he right in the heart of the battle when Tywin rode in? I’m not saying it’s implausible he escaped, but even a throwaway line explaining how would have been nice. I actually kind of wanted him to be imprisoned as it would be a new setting and dynamic for the character and because he’d be an interesting ally to Tyrion.
Jordan: Maybe I have an overactive imagination, but I completely bought the unseen conceit that Stannis' men dragged him kicking and screaming from battle, chucked him on a boat, rowed around the icky green stuff, gave him a warm bath, and then plopped him back in that throne room in Dragonstone. Wasn't at all surprised to see him back home (though in my head he had fuzzy bunny slippers).
As much as I would have loved the idea of the caped-and-masked Stannis-Tyrion superhero duo you suggest, I don't think their personalities would have worked for it. Tyrion derives all of his power from persuasion and manipulation, and Stannis' power lies in his stiff, unbending nature. I can see them trying to have a simple conversation, getting pissed, and then flinging their teacups at one another (The English accents on the show suggest every conversation of theirs would happen over tea).

Jordan: I very much care about her. She made love on a giant game of Risk and then shot a shadow demon out of her girl-parts. Screw Bo Derek, these two actions are what I like to call a "perfect 10."
Ben: Timely reference!
Whereas I complained about other plots moving at a glacial pace, the Robb/Talisa one jumped to light speed. I was interested to see their courtship, especially given how they seemed drawn to one another yet on opposite poles of philosophy at first, but ok, I guess torrid sex and then a secret wedding works too. Catelyn’s attempts to extol the virtues of a loveless marriage made me chuckle.
Jordan: The Robb betrothal happens even MORE quickly and randomly in the books, making it both a wacky surprise for Catelyn and the readers. If my swiss-cheese memory serves me right, the whole first mention of Robb's lady and their betrothal happens like this:
CATELYN: Robb, I let Jaime Lannister go.
CATELYN: I want my daughters back, Robb.
ROBB: JEEZ! This is SO LIKE YOU! I'm ever so angry! (kicks a chair over)
CATELYN: Robb, I'm sorry, but I am a mother and I had to do what I had to do.
ROBB: Sigh. Well...I want to be angry at you, but I know as my mother I must forgive you.
CATELYN: That's very big of you Robb. Thank you for underst-
CATELYN: Whoa, WHAT?! To who?!!
ROBB: Some lowborn wench. I was sad one day and she was consoling me...next thing I know we were re-enacting the train scene from Risky Business.
CATELYN: But...but you are supposed to marry some ugly Frey chick.
ROBB: I KNOW! Jeez, mom. I know! Still, I want you to meet her. You'll love her.
CATELYN: I dunno, Robb. I mean, it's sorta my THING to be a judgmental, unlikeable, nagging old crone. It's WHO I AM!
ROBB: Just give it a shot.
CATELYN: Okay. I will meet her. But I'm going to spend a few paragraphs talking about how irresponsible you are so I can maintain my spot as "most unlikeable character in Game of Thrones."
ROBB: Deal!
BRONSON PINCHOT: My lord, the enemy is advancing.

Jordan: I am right about everything. We both know this. That said, I may have been wrong this one time when I said Gwendoline Christie as Brienne seemed good. She is not. Ohhhhhh boy she is not. I am not certain if they cast her simply by her looks, but she seems very vanilla for such an interesting character. Meanwhile Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Jaime is acting circles around her and the combo just looks off.
By the way, Jaime is supposed to be blonde, blonde, blonde. Blonde personified. Blonde times a million. He has a dark brown beard on this show. This makes me want to throw a desk out of a plate glass window and then kill a kitten.
Ben: Theon’s scene with Luwin was maybe his best all year, and he’s been one of the few guys I thought had a breakout year. After all the bluster, when he broke down and let it all out about how terrible his life has been, I was cheering, because dammit, he’s had it rough. The line about being constantly reminded how grateful he should be to the people who kidnapped him was particularly great and impactful. His confessions about his family hammered home what I’ve been saying about his motivation. I don’t get the sense Luwin was ever really scared of Theon, more he was indifferent toward him, but when he showed pity and kindness, I really liked this dynamic. I’m glad Theon didn’t elect to run or go to The Wall, because this is a character I do care about (though I still would have been ok with him dying, for the completely different reason that he’s so tragic and it would fit).
Jordan: Theon is really likable in this sequence, which is great because the chief thing I wanted out of this season was to flip the script on those people who thought I was a monster for liking someone as awful as Theon. Now those people look like unsympathetic jerks. Thanks, Game of Thrones!

Lord, I butchered that quote. I'm also fairly certain it was actually said by Abraham Lincoln.
Ben: And after that heartfelt scene, delivering a rousing speech then getting clocked in the head by his own men was, I thought, a perfect exit for Theon; also, an intriguing cliffhanger, because who knows how he’ll be greeted back on the Iron Islands, or if they’ll even take him there as opposed to maybe dumping him with the Starks for a payoff.
Jordan: Theon getting clocked in the head by his own men was a surprise to me that made me chuckle. In the books he is actually knocked unconscious when his army...wait...I can't say because it may happen at the beginning of the next season. CRAP! HBO writers, you have left me unable to determine what exactly I can say because I don't know what you are skipping over and what you are saving for later.
Maybe I...can I say this?...I think I can...whatever, I'll do it anyways.
In the books Theon has an ugly-as-hell sidekick named "Reek" that does his bidding for him. In the show, this character has not been seen yet but definitely will be in there next season. I am not certain how the relationship between Theon and Reek will change now that so much has happened without Reek being there, but I guess that is another quandary for another day.
Crap, I just realized they are already changing the third book and the new season hasn't even begun yet. It takes skill to mess up future seasons like that.

Jordan: I didn't like Luwin in the books or the show, so I greeted his demise happily.
Whenever I hear "milk of the poppy" I think of the character of Poppie From Seinfeld. This sentence was of no use to anyone.
Ben: It felt like they remembered Arya was both on the show and a pretty pivotal character very last minute, so they tacked on a two minute scene for her. That said, the trick with Jaqen was pretty awesome and made me jump.
Jordan: Jaqen is a badass. Love that guy.
Arya got the short end of the screen time stick in this episode, and now that the season is over I can fully say they chopped out about half of her awesome-as-hell story in favor of more crummy made up Tywin scenes. This is SUCH a shame as her story was unquestionably the most interesting one in the second book. Gone are her scary scenes where she is simultaneously tracking and trying to elude Sandor "The Mountain" Clegane and his band of torturers. Gone are all of the scenes in the forest with Hot Pie and Gendry, making both of those characters completely useless. And, most notably, gone is almost any mention of the characters "Rorge" and "Biter." Were you to ask anyone who watched the show what "Rorge" and "Biter" were they would undoubtedly guess they were the names of skateboarding companies.

Jordan: Ahhhhh yes. When this scene started I did a cursory glance at the clock I realized there was only like eight minutes left in the season (five minutes if you take out the credits, irritating ads for HBO GO, and "Coming up next: Encino Man"). This meant one of two things:
a) The season was going to end with Dany seeing the first of the many terrifying and fascinating hallucinations in the House of the Undying...perhaps something like the haunting, bloody figure sitting on the throne with a wolf's head crudely sewn onto its body...and the next season would begin with the realization that the thing before her was all in her mind. Then would begin the amazing journey of hers of trying to get out of the House of the Undying in one piece.
b) The show would shorten the whole House of the Undying bit to the length of a fart.
We all knew which one they would pick.

In the books, when Dany enters the House of the Undying she realizes she is becoming more and more lost and that the place itself is a trap trying to cage her for all eternity. As she goes from room to room she is greeted with hallucinations from her past, eerily bloody and confusing hallucinations of the future, and a room full of creepy mummified wise men. Every vision of Drogo and the things she holds dear is meant to be a trap to make her want to stay there forever, but she fights them all away and presses onward like the valiant dragon-woman she is. When she emerges from the House of the Undying, she is not only substantially wiser, but stronger mentally and primed to begin the massive takeover she needs to invade Westeros. Hoo-rah!
In the show, for some reason, they boiled the whole thing down to “evil warlocks stole her dragons and she needs to find them.” The buildup was immense, the payoff fleeting and idiotic. The multiple hallucinations turned into a pointless "Aw shucks. I miss that Drogo guy" moment, and the climactic scene is whittled down to a campy villain vs heroine showdown. It was like this scene wasn't even written by the same people who wrote the rest of the series. Like kids handing in a half-assed final assignment before summer vacation, the writers just re-skinned the end of "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" and then went outside to play "Manhunt" in the woods.
Ben: Jorah Mormont is not even capable of keeping up with a teenage girl as they walk leisurely around a small tower. That pretty much says it all, doesn’t it? Man, did I want him to bite it. Seriously, I’m tempted to say that had he died I would consider all forgiven and the first five paragraphs of this post would have been me saying how awesome this season was.
Jordan: In the books Mormont does not attempt to enter the House of the Undying with Dany, so when I saw him and that other dude trying to enter with her I was confused as to why the change had been made. Then Mormont lost Dany, looked up to the building and yelled "KHAAALLEEEEESIIIIII" and I had my answer: The HBO writers are idiots.

Jordan: In the books the situation is direr. Qhorin and Jon Snow are pretty damn sure they are going to be killed then and there, and Qhorin risks his life in the name of a plan that he hopes will save Jon Snow and work towards the betterment of all of Westeros. In the show, the thing got drawn out to the point of making the Wildlings look stupid when they fell for it. Also, it made Qhorin look like an idiot because (like you said) I wouldn't trust this Jon Snow idiot to walk my dog, let alone stop the Wildling horde and save the kingdom.
Ben: It was nice to see Ygritte bullying/flirting with Jon again, but she’s much less interesting when she was to rein it in around Shao Kahn from Mortal Kombat.
Jordan: Not a big fan of the treatment of the Lord of Bones in the show so far. In the books, ol' Rattleshirt (as he is called) is athletic, terrifying, and bloodthirsty. In the show, he is some slow-speaking fat, bearded dude who looks to me sorta like Cliff Clavin from Cheers. Hopefully they will make him more menacing and intimidating to up the stakes and help explain the actions surrounding his character...(remembers how The Hound acted this season)...God help us all.

Jordan: I was surprised to see the White Walkers bit as the cliffhanger. The scene they showed is a relatively small part of the book when you compare it against the epic Blackwater battle and The House of the Undying. As cool as it looked, having it shoved in there at the end made me do less of an "Oh wow, COOL! I was WAITING to see more of those monsters" and more of an "Oh yeah. Totally forgot about those things."
The only thing I found a bit hokey was the White Walker seeing Sam and continuing on instead of trying to attack him. The White Walker seemingly tipped its cap to say, "Howdy. Just on my way to eat some people's brains. You stay classy, fatso."
Ben: My concern is that with so much already going on—the struggles at King’s Landing, Stannis’ imminent return, Robb’s campaign, Dany’s eventually arrival, Jon’s dilemma, whatever the heck’s happening with Theon and the Greyjoys—it may just add another unnecessary layer that diminishes the existing cast and stories even further. I do actually have faith here, though; if they held off their return for a whole two seasons, I feel like they’ll be able to use these guys with the necessary restraint.

Writer: "How do I capture the interesting innuendo that Renly and Loras are possibly operating as secret lovers....I know! Overt fellatio scene!"
Wow I sound so beaten down. While I liked this season, I think this final episode's fall from the epic Blackwater battle was a particularly steep one for me. It was a cataclysmic error to have the Blackwater, the unquestioned climax of the second book, be the second-to-last episode. You had built-in cliffhangers in that episode like "Is Tyrion alive or dead?" "Will Sansa be safe now what Joffrey's main enemy has been vanquished?" and "What happened to Stannis?" thrown straight into the dung pile.
As a television producer [EDITOR’S NOTE: Emmy-nominated television producer!], I'm trying to think practically about why the decision was made to have the Blackwater be second-to-last. All I keep coming back to is a fear from the show's producers that they would somehow fail in the show's hardest-to-film episode and the season would end on a flat note. Having a more conventional episode finish out the season would reduce the risk and provide a safety net should things go poorly. Turns out, ironically, that the final episode had the opposite effect. It diminished the astonishing triumph the Blackwater episode provided and sent audiences into the summer with a blah taste in their mouths.
The end of a movie or television season NEEDS to be the pinnacle of that season to keep viewers interested and coming back for more. It's the thing they teach you on the FIRST DAY of film-making 101.
I have never, in my life, taken a film course.
Ben: I said a lot to start, so I won’t say as much to finish, other than that I don’t hate this show, I just want it to live up to what I feel is the full potential it demonstrated in the first season and then just last week. Even recounting this tepid finale, I found so many bright spots I’d like to see exploited further. So I am looking forward to next season and hopeful Game of Thrones can recapture some of its former glory.
Jordan: I too am hopeful for the third season to be a return to the magic of the first season. From what I hear, they have already made the decision to have the next season be only the first HALF of the third book. This will hopefully avoid the scattered nature of the second season and properly tell the story without the need for shortcuts. The third book, A Storm of Swords, is one of my favorite books of ALL TIME. It is absolutely CRAZY the stuff that happens in it, so my hopes will be unreasonably high right from the get-go. What could go wrong?!
I never thought it would happen, but my brain has finally fatigued on Game of Thrones talk so it's fitting this is the last entry until we next meet Jon Snow n' Friends. This truly has been a very polarizing, exhausting season, and the highs of the Blackwater have been matched by the lowest lows of dragon fire in a warlock's face.
My final thought, before I enter into a long and restful summer hibernation, has been saved in the back of my mind all season long. I feel it is fitting that I share it with you now:
Hodor must poop a LOT. I mean like Mastadon levels.

Jordan: Had such a fun time and can't wait for our next adventure! You are my moon and stars, Ben.
Ben: See you all in July!
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